Australia..........the only country that seemed more like home than did then Minnesota (that's an odd feeling!!!). Had a really hard time leaving friends and the beach, but hey that's life! Compared to Americans, Aussie are more laid back, more internationally aware and have better manners. The younger people don’t don't move as much as Americans and the average college student lives at home till they graduate. When the surf was bad I went to Sydney University and took black and white photography, spanish, human geography and practical ethnics. The variety of classes was to fulfill my general education requirements, which, in the States are just a variety of courses most students have to take in order to get their bachelor degree no matter what program they are in. This is so that students come of out of college well-rounded (and you get college credit for taking yoga!!!) I get asked all the time if I will be returning to OZ, but the bank account is quite 'negative' right now. Anyway, right now, I think I'm all done traveling until retirement (really, really).
White Sundays and Fraser Island (Queensland)